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Friday, January 27, 2012

Anonymous Threatens To Attack On January 28 Facebook

Not content with attacking government websites as and the American entertainment industry, anonymous spread of new threats that they would turn off the social networking site Facebook as a form of protest against the restriction of Internet freedom.

This is the conclusion of a number of parties after several videos appeared on behalf of Anonymous. The video displays images with Anonymous logo with a digital voice that states will attack the site up and invite the community to joint the attack right on January 28, 2012.

Through the video distributed via Youtube, the party claiming as Anonymous invites the community to joint the attack and help launch it using Low Orbit Ion Cannon (Loic) which is a tool to send a flood of traffic to the target. The attack determined on January 28, 2012 at 12.00 local time. They even include a guide to conduct such attacks through Youtube.

This cyber ​​war has begun between anonymous, society, and the American government. Though SOPA and PIPA bill has been delayed, but freedom to surf restriction is still threatened. There is ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreemen) as the other laws that threaten," they said.

But this was denied by a twitter account @anonops used by anonymous, "Again We must say That We Will not Attack Facebook! Again the mass media lie." written in that account. A few hours later this account reaffirmed, saying, "AGAIN: Anonymous Facebook Threatens Shutdown jan" IS A FAKE.

Still from a twitter account which is used anonymous, @YourAnonNews also denied by saying, "FaceBook, YouTube, Twitter, and Tumblr are not going to be DDoSed. Why We would kill our way to Communicate?"

Is Anonymous split into several entrenchment? or is it just a mere threat of those who exploit the situation? But definitely the Facebook already preparing everything possible to ward off any threats directed at them. And Facebook also ensure that user data will not be distracted by this things. 

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