Here again, kaspersky lab one of many famous developer on computer security answering phising attack recently attacking facebook by free tutorial for internet user to keep their computer secure from any phising activity while online. This security vendor informs to internet that this codes it spreads from social network sites is 10 times more effective infect our computer than malware distributed by email.
Member of research team in kaspersky lab David Emm explains: “remind the phenomenal achievement of facebook, Twitter, and any other social network sites, there is no surprised if it attracts many virus makers and there's no sign it's going to be over yet.
This codes spreads from social network sites is 10 times more effective infect our computer than malware distributed by email, it causes internet user prefer to click a link they received from their friends than to click a random link from spam messages. Kaspersky recently knows that the phising attacks in login page of facebook is increasing. Cyber crime use internal message system to send short message directly aims the user to website it painted stick like facebook intentionally.
Kaspersky top tip to protect computer from phising attack:
- For facebook, make bookmark for login page, or put the address directly to address bar on our browser.
- Don't click any link in email from facebook.
- Check bank account directly and give reports for anything it suspicious to your bank.
- Find gateway from email phising:
- If it's not shown to you personaly.
- If you're not the only user who receive this email.
- If there's any miss spell, grammar or bad syntax or any stiffness of language.
- Installing software for internet security reason and keep updating antivirus database.
- Installing security pacth.
- Be aware from any unexpected short message or email.
- Be careful when login using administrator right.
- Backup your data.
Reference: Komputek Magazine
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