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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Securing PC From Phising Attack on Facebook

Here again, kaspersky lab one of many famous developer on computer security answering phising attack recently attacking facebook by free tutorial for internet user to keep their computer secure from any phising activity while online. This security vendor informs to internet that this codes it spreads from social network sites is 10 times more effective infect our computer than malware distributed by email.

More Than 127 Million User Has Been Attacked by KoobFace

According data of Internet Security Department there are more than 127 million user has been attacked by this virus named koobface using message sending feature of those social network sites to infect our PC. After infecting our PC, this virus also try to get any sensitive information such your credit card etc. Koobface it new method to attack social network sites user.

Inkscape as Vector Image Editor

In previous post, I have posted article about gimp. We call this as a free photoshop like software, why called this? It's because this soft just like photoshop, it has many features of photoshop and we can use this as an alternative soft of photoshop.
This soft is experts of raster file such jpg, bmp, png and any other. Then what about image file with vector type? Here the soft called Inkscape, this software just like any popular vector image editor spreading around the world (ha.. ha..) such Corel, Adobe Ilustrator, and many more. I used this to create design for my clothes, I tried this, at first time this soft looks like small soft and has not much features like any popular does. But when I googling and found many website wrote tutorial of this software, and “Wow” this software isn't bad.
This the screenshot:
  • Multi Platform (we can install it on MacOSx, Windows 98/higher, any Varian of Linux.
  • Supporting Layers
  • This also freeware (we can use, copy, and share it)
  • Need small size of hardisk to install
  • Supporting svg file, adobe ilustrator, and export to png file
  • Can't export or import corel document
for any tutorial of this software visit here:
for download this free visit here:

Installing ttf Fonts in Ubuntu

Ttf font is the most popular font for many computer user, When we work with MS Office Document, Design any image that using many fonts we always chose ttf fonts as a favorit fonts, it causes ttf font is easy to search in internet by input ttf font in google and at most is free, but in how to install in ubuntu? it's very simple
  1. Open terminal from Application > Accessories > Terminal
  2. We have to make custom font folder to input our ttf font by type sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype/my_font
  3. Open nautilus with root mode by type sudo nautilus
  4. After nautilus window appear in Desktop, what we gonna do next is just to copy & paste our font to the directory that we just create
  5. Rebuild your font cache in a terminal type: sudo fc-cache -f -v
to download any ttf fonts you can visit to free Microsoft fonts and Open MS Office Document in OpenOffice easier install msttcorefonts package by type sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts in terminal

Installing Lenovo G400 Wifi Driver on Ubuntu Hardy

ubuntu hardy on lenovo g400
My friend has a Lenovo G400, at first he using Windows XP on it but the driver is not works, I opened the manual book and finally i know that this machine is bundled with Windows Vista.
But Vista is still expensive for my friend, then I suggested him to use Ubuntu Hardy on his notebook. Everything was run normally until I tried to connect to internet using this machine but the wifi led was not on.

Free Photoshop like Software

It's no hesitate to Photoshop as world popular and standard image manipulating application. Now there is a number of Photoshop like program (freeware or open source) try to give feature like Photoshop did. For linux user maybe has already know about GIMP (The Photoshop of Linux). This application maybe become little difficult for they who have never try GIMP. It has a number of Photoshop features on it, like layer, channel, filter, capability to export one image file to other format. It also support the Photoshop file format (psd).
Many Designer has used GIMP for their image manipulating program, we can use this program to manipulating multi format of image file such jpg, bmp, png, gif, tiff, tga, ppm, ps, xpm etc. One basic thing make this program seem unique is the interface with 3 flow window, but it doesn't matter even it look simple it has a good feature like Photoshop.
  • Available for multi platform (Windows98+, Mac OS X, Linux and Solaris
  • Photo Enhancement
  • Digital Retouching
  • Support many format of image file
  • Many palettes tool which can be found easily
  • Support Layer Features
  • There is a number of filter like Photoshop filter
You can try GIMP for windows and download here:

Trick to Block Executable/Script File on Drive

Current computer virus commonly spreading as executable (*.exe, *.scr, *.com, *.pif) and script file (such *.vbs and *.bat), and how to make this all file not running on Drive including USB Flashdisk so our computer is still secure from virus attack because commonly virus use file document or folder icon to avoid user detection.

Internet Port which need to be awared

Service on internet is accessed from certain port. At any IP address there is port from 0 – 65535 which can be activated. This port has a logic function (not physic function as physic port or parallel port on our computer), but just like physic port it use to access some certain services on internet.

File [exe] infected by virus, And can this be restored?

For almost all computer user maybe when they found virus on their computer they will delete the infected file directly for safety. If the data is not important this no problem, but how about if the file is our important file so set the antivirus to not delete automatically, we can move to vault or quarantine it first, so we can open this file later. Know the question is, can file that infected by virus being restored? Sometimes it can but sometimes it can't.

Make Virus not Spreading from USB Flashdisk

Many people know that virus can infect computer from media storage, one of popular way virus infect to computer is from USB Flashdisk. Till now I often see that many computer in office/laptop school is infected by virus and they didn't know about it. Beside Antivirus which always update at least 1x a week, i have some tips to avoid virus not spreading from media storage like flashdisk.

Deleting Virus Which Can't Be Deleted By AntiVirus

There is some tips if virus in our computer can't be deleted by antivirus. If we have try many antivirus but can't delete the virus or just scan it, to delete the virus we need some bootable CD with at least file manager program on it like Ultimate Boot CD, BartPE etc. Some program based on DOS and another program based on Window, or you can use Linux Live CD which support read-write ntfs file system (I was use Knoppix, Ubuntu, and Backtrack).

Symptom of Computer Infected by Virus

This article may useful if our antivirus is not updated yet. When our antivirus updated it obviously if there is virus in our computer will be scanned easily, but it just can be done when we update virus database regularly. Then what happen when we can't update virus more often, there some tips that we can do to know that our computer is infected by virus or not:

Be careful with fake Antivirus

If you are browsing then suddenly some popup message appear and tell us to install certain antivirus or message that our computer has been infected by virus, trojan, spyware and some like that, then we have to pay attention for it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Three Dimensions to Protect your Computer

First - Strengthen the defense of your computer

Install Firewalls
"Firewall" is an isolation technology to separate the internal network and the Internet. The firewall carries out some filtering when two networks communicate. It lets the data/person that you "agree" to enter your network, and also block the data/person you "do not agree" from your network. It can prevent they changes, copy, or destroys your material. To ensure the firewall get into work, you must keep it update.

Knowing Internet Port Number for PC Security

Service on internet is accessed from sure port. At any IP address there is port from 0 – 65535 which can be activated. This port has a logic function (not physic function as physic port or parallel port on our computer), but just as physic port it use to access some services on internet.

Hacker Attack (Part III)

In previous post we see that there is a number of method used by hacker to fulfill their ambition. In this post I want to explain how the hacker get the password. From the previous step at previous post, at least there are 3 steps which including activity to get the password, at enumeration, gaining access, and escalating privilege. We can get the password with several way.

Hacker Attack (Part II)

At previous post we know that hacker has a number of method to gain a systems target. And know this post will explain the method.

Hacker Attack

Figure of hacker who a limp computer crazy man is doesn't match anymore. By existences of internet anybody with little desire and to shiver can becomes hacker. Now hacking already being activity to spend our free time, especially for amateur hacker being as script kiddies.
To protect our computer while surfing internet we need to knowing hacker method to gain the system, simply we can take a look for the diagram below:

Optimization the AntiVirus

Many People using antivirus on their computer, usually after install it they just leave it with default configuration and just update the virus database and ignoring for advance configuration. In many case it can make our computer work slowly.
The default configuration isn't mean the best configuration for our computer, our computer will work slowly if the configuration isn't match with our computer hardware, scanning process will make computer very slowly. How to make antivirus run effectively and efficiently? Here some tips that we can do:

Detecting Virus on Computer (Solving Problem)

This article may useful if our antivirus is not updated yet. When our antivirus updated it obviously if there is virus in our computer will be scanned easily, but it just can be done when we update virus database regularly. Then what happen when we can't update virus for more often, there some tips that we can do to know that our computer is infected by virus or not:

What the Computer Virus is?

The Virus Begin

1949, John von Neumans says “theory self altering automata” it result from mathematic scientist research. 1960, Lab BELL (AT & T) trying the theory by make kind of game. They make game it can copy itself, modifying and infect program build by opponent. The program it could still survive and infect the other program will be the winner. This game become a favorite game but the program become more dangerous, so they control this game carefully. 1980, The program now called virus and it spreading out from Lab, and start spreading in public computer.